Our vision

We envision a future with privacy-first, on-device AI that proactively links what you are doing to what you should know. By bringing the right knowledge to the right people at the right moment we compound learning across teams in real-time.

How Forethink is different

Most AI Companies. All your "private" data flows through their servers and partner services.

Forethink. All data is private and flows directly between your computer and your trusted apps.

How Forethink works

Forethink surfaces insights before you ask, based on data kept local to your device.

[1] As you browse, Forethink collects an understanding of how different pages are related to each other to create hyper-personalized summarizations and insights.

[2] Based on shared research topics, Forethink seamlessly shares context of what everyone on the team might know about any given event, company, person, or group mentioned in the page.

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